Research Bites: Clinical Dietetics

Research Bites: Clinical Dietetics
This webinar is brought to you by the Dietitians Australia Education Centre as part of the Complimentary Collaborations Campaign (2021).

Join our panel of authors as they come together to present their latest research on the topic of clinical dietetics published in Nutrition & Dietetics.

In this chat, authors will provide an overview of their findings and recommendations to put their research into your practice.


Dr. Kelly Lambert is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian with qualifications in knowledge translation, health economics and management, and two decades of experience as a renal dietitian and a doctorate investigating health literacy and cognitive impairment in end stage kidney disease. Dr. Lambert is the Academic Program Director for the Nutrition and Dietetics Program at the University of Wollongong. Dr. Lambert's research interests are intended to support people with kidney disease to live better lives and to progress the science about developing better patient education materials. Research being presented: Implications for Australasian dietitians regarding the 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease.

Dr. Ruth Vo has been a dietitian for over 15 years in which she has worked for over 12 years in various large tertiary hospitals in Sydney. During this time she specialised in gastrointestinal surgical nutrition and was involved in convening the DA Gastro Interest Group for over 8 years. She has a Masters in Health Science Education and a PhD which explored the nature of dietitian clinical decision making in the acute care setting. Ruth's new adventure, Praxcess, seeks to support capability development of health practitioner professional artistry - a personal and context-relevant practice that transcends knowledge and clinical skills that's geared for effective influence, adaptability, and impact. Research being presented: Practice and perspectives of Australian dietitians in management of patients on Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy.

Alita Rushton completed her Bachelor of Health Science with a Nutrition major, and is undertaking a Master of Philosophy. For the last 7 years she has been working as a clinical nutrition assistant at The Prince Charles Hospital. She has witnessed firsthand the opportunities and challenges associated with working in multidisciplinary teams to provide patient care. With a focus towards improving patient malnutrition care she is undertaking research to explore the opportunities in delegated models of care within dietitian assistant roles. Research being presented: Dietitian assistant opportunities within the nutrition care process for patients with or at risk of malnutrition: A systematic review.

Stephanie Notaras is a Senior Renal Dietitian. She is undertaking a PhD in renal nutrition with a special interest in pre-dialysis dietetics interventions to reduce CKD progression. Stephanie has a Masters in Social Health and Counselling, is heavily involved in counselling skills training for dietitians and has founded a Dietitian Counselling Skills Online Program for dietitians to optimise client consults and outcomes. She is also a guest lecturer for the communication subject of the Nutrition and Dietetics degree at the University of Wollongong. Research being presented: Implementation of a peer review program using the validated DIET-COMMS tool to access dietitians' communication skills in the workplace.

Kelly D'cunha is a first-year PhD student and casual academic at The University of Queensland (UQ). She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, having obtained a Master's in Dietetic Studies in 2020. Kelly is passionate about public health, and is committed to pursuing a research career within this space. Her current research interest includes circadian rhythm disruption, with a focus on behavioural misalignment (sleeping and eating patterns) and breast cancer outcomes. Prior to commencing her doctorate, Kelly completed two research projects and received a summer research scholarship. Research being presented: Effect of communal dining and dining room enhancement interventions on nutritional, clinical and functional outcomes of patients in acute and sub-acute hospital, rehabilitation and aged-care settings: A systematic review.

This webinar is worth 1 CPD hour.

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