Awards, prizes, grants and scholarships

Celebrating our members

Our awards, prizes, grants and scholarships recognise members who are making outstanding contributions to our profession. 

Find details on the nomination process for our:

To view previous recipients refer to Celebrating Member Achievements.


Closed for nominations

Nominations for the Dietitians Australia 2024 Awards closed on Tuesday 4 June 2024. Key dates can be found on our Awards Portal.

  Life Membership

Overview: Life membership may be awarded to a member of Dietitians Australia for eminent service to the profession of dietetics in Australia, at a national or state level. 

Selection method: The member must be nominated by one member and endorsed by at least 12 members. Nominations should include the candidate’s CV and evidence of outstanding service and contributions to the profession. 

For full details including how to make a nomination refer to our Life Membership Policy.

Outstanding Contribution Award

Overview: This award recognises major, sustained contributions to the profession and Dietitians Australia at the national level within the past three years. 

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted via the Awards Portal and provide demonstrated evidence against the selection criteria. 

For full details refer to our Outstanding Contribution Award Policy.

Early Career Dietitian Award (in memory of Dr Joan Mary Woodhill OBE)

Overview: This award recognises service and excellence in nutrition and dietetics amongst early career members of the profession. 

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted via the Awards Portal and address the selection criteria. Supporting documentation may also be provided. 

For full details refer to our Early Career Dietitian Award Policy.

Barbara Chester Memorial Award (Queensland only)

Overview: This award recognises the outstanding contribution of members to the dietetics profession in Queensland. This award honours the contributions of the late Barbara Chester who was the driving force behind establishing Dietitians Australia's Queensland Branch. 

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted via the Awards Portal and address the selection criteria.

For full details refer to the Barbara Chester Memorial Award Policy

President's Award for Innovation

Overview: This award recognises innovation amongst members of Dietitians Australia. This award is made by the President and is in memory of Josephine Rogers AM, a pioneer of dietetics in Australia.

Selection method: Applications, including a portfolio of evidence, must be submitted via the Awards Portal based on the guidelines outlined in the official policy. 

For full details refer to the President's Award for Innovation Policy.

Quality in Primary Care Award

Overview: This award recognises high-quality private practice dietetic services that assure a person-centred, safe, and effective dietetic service through partnering with consumers and employing a continuous improvement approach.

Selection method: Applications must be submitted via the Awards Portal and address the selection criteria.

For full details refer to the Quality in Primary Care Award Policy.

Chester Goodsell Memorial Award

Overview: This award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the use of technology. This award honours the contributions of the late Chester Goodsell (1956-2020) who was the creator of FoodWorks (Xyris), the leading software package for nutrition analysis in Australasia.

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted via the Awards Portal and address the selection criteria.

For full details refer to the Chester Goodsell Memorial Award Policy

Fellow of Dietitians Australia

Overview: Fellow status may be awarded to Dietitians Australia members who use their high-level nutrition and dietetic skills to improve community health. It is an honour bestowed on a limited number of high profile and proactive leaders within the industry.  

Applications for this award are currently paused following a review of the awards program. Stay tuned for updates later in the year!

Lecture in Honour

Overview: This lecture is delivered annually at the Dietitians Australia conference. It is generally presented as a memorial lecture (although an eminent, long-serving and retired member may be honoured). 

Selection method: The Award and Recognition Advisory Committee recommend to the Dietitians Australia Board the person to be honoured and the lecturer each year.

For full details refer to our Lecture in Honour Policy.

Recognition of Meritorious Service - Dietitians Australia Staff and Contractors

Overview: In recognition of outstanding commitment and high level of service to the association.

Application method: Nominations may be made by Dietitians Australia members, members of the public or Dietitians Australia staff. Nominations must be submitted on the official nomination form (attached to the award policy) and address the selection criteria.

For full details refer to our Recognition of Meritorious Service Policy.


Closed for nominations

Nominations for the Dietitians Australia 2024 Awards closed on Tuesday 4 June 2024. Key dates can be found on our Awards Portal.

Joan Woodhill Prize for Excellence in Research (NSW) - Doctorate Prize

Overview: This prize awarded to newly graduated Doctorate dietitians reflects the high esteem with which Dr Joan Woodhill is regarded.

Selection method: Applications must be submitted via the Awards Portal and address the selection criteria.

For full details refer to the Joan Woodhill Prize Policy.

External Conference 'Dietitians Australia Dietetic Research Prize' for Interest Groups

Overview: Dietitians Australia Interest Groups can apply to access funds for the purpose of offering a dietetic research prize at an external conference - the 'Dietitians Australia Dietetic Research Prize'.

Selection method: Interest Group convenors should apply on behalf of their Interest Group using the official application form.

For full details refer to the External Conference Dietetic Research Prize Policy.


Closed for nominations

Branch Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Grants

For full details refer to our Branch CPD Grant Policy.

Please refer to the relevant Branch pages in Share Plate.

Leap Travel Grant

Overview: This grant is to support novice research members of Dietitians Australia to present their work in nutrition at an international conference or meeting.

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted on the official application form (attached to the grant policy) and address the eligibility criteria.

For full details refer to the LEAP Travel Grant Policy.

Small Grants

Overview: This grant is to support novice research members of Dietitians Australia to develop skills and knowledge and complete nutrition/dietetics research in practice. 

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted on the official application form (attached to the grant policy) and address the assessment criteria.

For full details refer to the Small Grants Policy.

Health Care Professional Program Travel Grant

Overview: This grant is designed to support an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) to present their research at an Australian conference targeting health care professionals.

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted on the official application form (attached to the grant policy) and address the eligibility criteria.

For full details refer to the Health Care Professional Program Travel Grant Policy.


Closed for nominations

Fay McDonald Academic Scholarship

Overview: This scholarship is designed to support a member of Dietitians Australia in pursuing further study and training in food service management.

Selection method: Nominations must be submitted on the official application form and supply the required documentation. 

Next eligible year: 2026

For full details refer to the Fay McDonald Academic Scholarship Policy.

Conference Awards

Dietitians Australia present several awards for conference research presentations each year, across a number of categories. Awards are presented to individuals and eligible nominees must be the submission presenter and lead author. You can nominate for an award as part of the Call for Submission process.

Oral presentation award categories

New Conference Presenter Award

Awarded to a presenter who has never presented at a Dietitians Australia Conference.

For full details refer to the New Conference Presenter Award Policy

New Researcher Award

Awarded to presenters in the original research category of a high standard. This award is targeted at students (student dietitians and post entry level researchers) completing a degree or those researchers who have completed their study in the last three years. This award can only be received by the same person once.

For full details refer to the New Researcher Award Policy

Research in Practice Award

Awarded to presenters in the original research category of a high standard in any area of dietetic practice. The researcher does not need to be enrolled in a higher degree and should not be working the majority of their work as an academic. Please note that preference will not be given to paid research papers.

For full details refer to the Research in Practice Award Policy

Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) Prize

This prize recognises Dietitians Australia members who have demonstrated strength and commitment to application of evidence-based practice in any setting of dietetic practice (other than full time research) e.g. implementation of evidence into practice; determining barriers and enablers to evidence-based practice; or leading high-level processes to improve standards.

For full details refer to the PEN Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition Prize Policy

Poster award categories

Best Novice Research Rapid Fire Presentation

Awarded to presenters in the poster category of a high standard. This award is targeted at students (student dietitians and post entry level researchers) completing a degree or those researchers who have completed their study in the last three years. This award can only be received by the same person once.

For full details refer to the Best Novice Research Rapid Fire Presentation Policy

Best Rapid Fire Presentation

Awarded to presenters in the poster category of a high standard in any area of dietetic practice. The researcher does not need to be enrolled in a higher degree and should not be working the majority of their work as an academic. Please note that preference will not be given to paid research papers.

For full details refer to the Best Rapid Fire Presentation Policy

Contact us

For awards enquiries, please email [email protected]