Membership frequently asked questions

From how to update your contact details, to how to join the APD Program, here we answer some of our most asked membership questions.

Or, download our Membership FAQ.

Personal details
Membership categories and deferring
APD Program
Member benefit questions


Personal details
How do I update my contact details?

Go to your profile and click the grey pencil to edit details. For more information refer to this step-by-step guide.

How do I update my user name?

You can change your username on the settings tab within your profile.

How do I change my name?

You are unable to change your name yourself. Your account needs to be in your legal name.

If you have legally changed your name, please complete the Name Change Request form including submission of your government issued evidence of your legal name change such as a marriage certificate, name change certificate, or divorce order which must be certified by an authorised officer.

If you are reverting to a name previously used in our system, changing your informal name, or changing your prefix (e.g. Miss, Mrs, Mr, Dr) without an accompanying legal name change, please email [email protected] or call 02 6189 1200 and select option 1.

You will not need to supply additional paperwork to change to a previously used name if we already have records of the change on file.

Why do I have two ID numbers?

If you joined Dietitians Australia before June 2020 you will have 2 member numbers. This is because of a membership software upgrade.  You can quote either number when contacting Dietitians Australia.

Please note that Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) does not use your Dietitians Australia ID (format DA ID #####). It uses the ID number that appears directly under your name in the top banner of your profile.

Medicare uses the APD registration number on your APD certificate.


Membership category and deferring
Who is eligible for membership?

You can become a member of Dietitians Australia if:

  • you're a qualified dietitian
  • you're a dietetics student.

Students members need to be enrolled in an Australian dietetics program that:

You can also become a member if you’re an overseas qualified dietitian and your qualifications are recognised through our skills recognition and assessment services.

We offer 3 types of membership:

  • Full
  • Student
  • Affiliate

Affiliate members are overseas-qualified dietitians who live and work overseas and are not eligible for APD status. Learn more about our membership categories.

How do I change my membership category?

Learn more about changing your category due to a change in work situation. Then email details of your situation to [email protected].

To upgrade from student to full member, you will need to complete and submit our student upgrade forms.

I'm having a baby, what are my options?

There are 2 options available:

  1. Change to the parental leave category
  2. Defer your membership and APD credential

Learn more about changing membership categories. Or find out what’s involved with deferring your membership.

How do I defer?

Learn more about deferring your membership and/or APD status


APD Program
I've just graduated. How do I join the APD Program?

You need to upgrade your membership before you can join the APD Program. To upgrade from student to full member, you will need to complete and submit our student upgrade forms.

What is the APD Provisional Program?

After you graduate from an accredited program or complete the Dietetic Skills Recognition (DSR) process, you will enter the Provisional APD Program. As part of the Provisional APD Program, you will:

  • enter a mentoring partnership with a Full APD and commit to meeting at least once a month for a year
  • complete at least 30 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) activities per year.

Learn more about the APD Provisional Program in the APD Handbook.

Where is my APD certificate?

Go to your profile. Your APD certificate will be on the banner near your name if you are part of the APD Program.

How do I become an Advanced APD (AdvAPD)?

Details on how to become an AdvAPD can be found in the APD Handbook.

I've been on a break. How do I reinstate my APD?

If your break is less than 3 years you just need to reinstate your membership. Once processed, you will be provided with instructions on how to reinstate your APD. 

If your break is over 3 years you will need to go through alternate pathways to reinstate your APD credential.

Details on alternate pathways can be found in the APD Handbook.



Member benefit questions
Why can't I find myself on the 'Find a dietitian' search?

You may not have an active profile. Go to your profile and click on the ‘Directory profiles’ tab. Click on the grey pencil and check the box next to ‘Display my record in the public Find a Dietitian directory’. Check and update your personal details. Click save.

How do I log into PEN?

Find out more about PEN, including how to log in, on the PEN page.

Where can I see jobs?

Find the latest positions vacant in our jobs board. Open roles are also listed in our weekly member update, sent on Monday afternoons.

Where can I advertise a job?

Members can list the details of positions vacant for free, whilst a $200 fee applies for non-members. Post your ad online.

Where can I find a locum

Find a locum on our Find a locum or consultant directory


Other questions?

Contact us at [email protected] or phone 1800 812 942